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+359 878 816 570

ul. Zahari Zograf 67, et. 1, ap. 1, 1415, Sofia, Bulgaria

Success stories often start with good office design – a space for development, for inspiration, for communication and exchange of ideas. Life in it should be fulfilling, and employees should have a sense of meaning and mission - a prerequisite for creating a high...

It has happened to everyone - months and even years of effort, nerves and funds were spent on furnishing or renovating a home, and the final result was unsatisfactory, the renovation took longer than expected, a lot of things remained unfinished...

Waking up in the cradle of the waves, feeling the salty breeze while drinking your first coffee, and then entertaining, socializing or working with an eye on the horizon - this is what the beautiful sweet life on a yacht looks like. There is more...