Yes, similarly to a soft suede glove should the interior fit the person who inhabits it. Just like the glove masterfully crafted of fine leather does not interfere with the movements of the wrist and fingers, but on the contrary – it makes them more elegant and expressive, likewise the good interior design “tailors” a “bespoke” space.
To achieve this, the approach must go far beyond the idea of simply composing materials and furniture. Because we can have an aesthetically well-sustained composition, but still the interior might be devoid of individuality and character. And the person for whom it is intended, not to feel free and happy in it.

interior design with individuality
“The architect must imagine for each window designed by him, the person standing on the window sill, and for each door – the person passing through it.” These are the words of Joe Ponti and in our opinion they are 100 percent valid for both architecture and interior design. He further says, “Charm is something that is unnecessary but necessary like bread.” For us, these two things – the image of the occupant of the space we will design and the achievement of the charm of this space – are the keys to creating an interior with individuality and character.
Currently, this genre is very relevant in all areas. For us, it always precedes the construction of the concept of interior design. In these small talks we know how to listen and ask. We delicately approach the character of the client. We build bridges. We gain trust. We try to feel not just the tastes, but the nature, the temperament, the whole background behind a person, his memories and dreams, and most of all his personal scenarios and stories.
When we talk about achieving individuality, telling stories with design are our invaluable way to give character to the interior. On the way to the project we are always guided by the life path of the person for whom it is intended, or the stories related to the past of the space we work with.
When we create a private space, we often encode the life path in the design so that only the occupant is aware that it is present there at all. Even invisible to other people, this is enough to make the occupant feel at home and emotionally involved in the new interior.
At the same time, the interior acquires a bright personality. We have made interior for a person living a second life, and then we subordinated the whole concept to the idea of second chances and duality. We redesigned an old house for an elderly lady who told us that she once wanted to become a designer, but her father insisted on something else and that turned her whole life upside down. In this case, we designed the project to emphasize the metaphor of choices in life – we kept the old lobby and the doors leading in different directions. In general, in private spaces we tell personal stories with design in a more hidden, more sophisticated, more subtle way.
In public spaces – hotels, clubs and restaurants – our approach to achieving individuality is quite different. There we can be bolder, with more reach and emphasize and overexpose metaphors. Such is the installation of an openwork metal sculpture of a girl and flying dandelion lamps in the new lobby at Intercontinental Hotel. Through the symbiosis of art and design, we tell the story of youth and hope associated with the events of the historic square in front of the hotel. We applied similar boldness to the interior of the restaurant Mr.Pizza, in which we “turn” the world like a crystal ball, place the forest above and lower the sky below and create a feeling of magic.
In our beloved challenge of working on office spaces, we build our individual concepts on the basis of a very careful and in-depth study of the type and style of work, as well as the team itself. This is important for balancing the different types of zones.
We solve the question of bringing out and emphasizing the company identity again by telling stories with design. In this case, stories related to the company’s activities. That is why, for example, in the office of a logistics and transport company we made a decorative installation on the ceiling of wooden panels and lighting tubes, stylized reproducing the most important road arteries of Berlin map and the trucks of the company moving thereon.
It is impossible not to reach this maxim when it comes to creating an interior with individuality and character. For us, the detail as an unexpected and surprising combination of two nuances, two highlights, two shapes or two textures, is what brings personality. We are looking for these surprising and unique combinations in every project and for every interior. Just as we select every decorative item, every textile, every table accessory to prolong some specific emotion with it. We know their power to bring life, to attract attention, to become an occasion for conversation and to outline the unique face of the interior.
The English word “bespoke” affects both the overall spatial concept, in which one moves freely, has beautiful visual perspectives and interior stories, as well as the individual elements and furniture. The tested way is the search for interactions between furniture from iconic brands with furniture made by detail for the specific project. For all our projects we make tables, shelves, consoles per our detail. Namely the new, unknown comparisons of the furniture in our detail with those of established luxury brands give a new, unknown and very individual sound.